Getting My Feet Wet

Learning the Markets Being a millennial, I remember when cryptocurrencies started taking off.  I never put too much stock in them.  It seemed that digital currencies (particularly BTC) was only used for sketchy or nefarious purposes in the darkest recesses of the...

Modern Portfolio Theory

Established in 1952, Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) argues that a single investment’s risk and return characteristics shouldn’t be viewed alone.  Rather, they should be analyzed based upon how the investment affects the health of the overall portfolio in...

Market Order

The simplest of the order types, a market order is a buy or sell order to be executed immediately at the current market prices.  As long as there are sellers and buyers, the market order is filled.  Marker orders are used when certainty of execution is a priority over...

Market Maker

A market participant or member of a firm or exchange that also buys and sells securities for its own account at prices it displays in its exchanges own trading system.  The objective of the market maker is to profit from the bid-ask spread, or the amount the ask price...

Market Cycle

Markets tend to move in a cyclical trajectory, marked by 4 phases.  First is the accumulation phase where the market has bottomed and is marked by early investors seeing an opportunity to buy assets cheaply or jump on a growing trend.  Next is the mark-up phase, where...