
A price pattern created by converging trend lines on a price chart.  The two lines are drawn to connect the highs and lows of a price over the course of 10-50 trading periods.  These lines display the highs and lows as either rising or falling and create a wedge shape...

Small Cap

Companies with a relatively small market capitalization (or between $300 million and $2 billion market caps).  Small cap companies may be appealing to investors looking to beat institutional investors to new or emerging companies.  Though small cap stocks have...

Mid Cap

A term used for companies with a market cap of between $2 and $10 billion.  These Middle Capitalization companies fall between large capitalization (or companies with <$10 billion market cap) and small capitalization (or companies with $300 million – $2...

W Pattern

A double bottom pattern that forms a shape similar to the letter “W.”  It describes a change in trend and a momentum reversal from a previous leading price action.  It shows the drop of a stock or index, the subsequent rebound, another drop to the same or...

Target Date Fund

Mutual or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) built to grow assets in a way that’s optimized for a specific time frame.  They’re structured to address an investors capital needs by a specific date (hence “target date” fund).  They’re frequently...

Swing Trading

A style of trading that attempts to acquire short to medium-term gains in a stock or financial instrument over a period of days or weeks.  In essence, they trade stocks in a short-term timeframe as opposed to a more investment-centered model.  This exposes the trader...