Rent Seeking

An economic concept that occurs from an entity seeking to gain added wealth without contributing productivity.  The term “rent” is based on the economic definition of “rent,” as “wealth obtained through shrewd or potentially manipulative...

Passive Investing

Also called a “buy-and-hold” strategy, passive investing involves buying a security to hold it long-term.  Passive investing refers to a portfolio strategy for long-term investment with minimal market trading.  The most common form of passive investing is...

Passive Income

Earnings from a rental property, limited partnership, or other business venture in which a person is not actively involved.  As is the case with active income, passive income is generally taxable, though it is treated differently by the IRS.  Colloquially, passive...

Opportunity Cost

A major concept in economics, opportunity cost represents the potential benefits a business or investor misses out on by choosing one alternative over another.  To evaluate opportunity costs effectively, the costs and benefits of every available option must be...

New York Stock Exchange

Based in New York City, the NYSE is the largest stock exchange in the world (based on total market capitalization of listed securities).  Also known as the “Big Board,” the NYSE dates back to 1792, and many of the oldest companies publicly traded in the US...

Money Market Account

A type of account offered by banks and credit unions that generally pay higher interest rates than regular savings accounts.  They also typically include higher insurance protection and check writing/debit card privileges.  Though they may pay better rates, these...